Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates

For the Lincoln - Douglas Debates, each candidate spoke one hour, then the other one and to end it, the first who spoke replied to what the other said. The candidates also did respond to the questions asked by the moderator during the debates. They gave their message loud and clear to their followers and to the audience. In my opinion, the debates from this time were more interesting. The candidates didn't give answers that turned the questions around, I mean they didn't respond something else out of the topic to avoid the question. We can see this on the debates from now days.

These recent debates got the attention of a lot of people. People were excited (and still are) because of the current elections and the recent debates between Obama and McCain. Sarah Pallin (vice-presidential candidate for McCain's campaign) was a big attention for these debates. If Obama wins for this elections, it would be a big step for african americans, and if McCain wins, it would be the same for women in the U.S.

Something that I liked from these debates was how it was organized. I liked the second presidential debate, althought it was more "informal", but the candidates had a chance to interact with the audience, which in my opinion, is one of the most importants elements during debates.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Newspaper Reflection

Our project consisted on making a newspaper and writing articles regarding to the second Lincoln - Douglas debates, which occurred in Freeport Illinois on August 27, 1858. My group partners were Diana Barlow and Paul Santillan. The project was quite challenging because we had to make the newspaper look as one from 1858. During the project, I learned that the articles of newspaper have an order. They start with a Lede, then Quote, Transition, Quote and Transition.

The organization of my group was great. We organized since the first day of the project. We decided who did what. Diana made an article about the second debate, Paul and me about a current event of that year.

The participation and dedication of each member from the group was great, including mine. I'm proud of myself for have helped the others during the process. I helped Diana with the small articles on the bottom of the newspaper and Paul with the ads. Paul and Diana are amazing partners; Paul did a great job on the layout job and Diana with the headlines and articles.

If there was something I could improve would be the empty space and my article. I would do it about a real current event from that time regarding to a topic talked in the debate, slavery.
By researching more through the internet, I would have found out about a current event from the time.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Photography Tips and Techniques! (With Examples)

1. Rule of Thirds

Picture from this link.

I think this is a good example of The Rule of Thirds. It shows the four lines for adjusting the subject with the environment.

2. Depth of Field

Picture from here.

In my opinion, it is a great example of using Depth of Field. It labels where the Depth of Field is located.

3. Eyes, Color. Fill the Frame

Picture by PhotoDisc, Inc. (link)

Example of Fill the Frame. The picture focuses on the beautiful bridge, which covers mostly all space from the picture.

4. Interesting use of light.

Picture from here.

In this picture, we can see the reflection of the light. How it creates a shadow on the right cheek if the girl. It is a good example of using the light.

5. Eye-Level

Photo by Scott Fairbairn

This photo is taken from an interesting angle, the subject i
s not in the same eye level as me.

6. Macro - Photography

Picture from Gillenwater Designs (link)

This picture shows, in high quality, certain details from the subject.

7. Anything like me!

A celery. Tall, skinny, and the top of it looks like my hair.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Second Round, Freeport Illinois

Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas faced each other again for their second debate on August 27th of 1858, which took place in Freeport Illinois. They talked about topics regarding to slavery. Lincoln spoke the first hour, then Douglas and then Lincoln replied to what Douglas said.

"I will vote for the admission of just such a State as by the form of their Constitution the people show they want; if they want slavery, they shall have it; if they prohibit slavery it shall be prohibited.", said Douglas during the debate.

After reading this quote, I realized that Douglas leaves a change for slavery to spread. He leaves it on the hands of the people. He also accused Lincoln of supporting equality for blacks, not just abolition of slavery.

In the other hand, Lincoln replied to the moderator this following answer:
"I am impliedly, if not expressly, pledged to a belief in the right and duty of Congress to prohibit slavery in all the United States Territories."

We can clearly see that Lincoln is not in favor for slavery to spread; instead, he is trying to put an end on it.

In my opinion, the debates from now days are more interesting and excited. Now the candidates take turns to talk and answer the questions, but is not like it used to be around 1850s, in which one candidate spoke for an hour and then the other candidate. If you spoke an hour first, and then listen to the other candidate talk, you would forget what you said, and the audience would too. It wouldn't connect because of the amount of time elapsed between speeches.

Evidence: http://www.bartleby.com/251/21.html

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Demographic Questions

I really don't have questions regarding to demographic anymore. Today, during class, we answered some questions that were interesting for me. I found out an estimated total number for each race living inside the San Diego County. Because my ethnicity is Hispanic, it was very interesting to research about how many Hispanics live in the same zip code as I do.

In my opinion, if John McCain is elected, the troops will not return home in a long time. And, at the same time, more soldiers will be needed with time. In the other hand, if Barack Obama wins, he already has a plan of bringing the troops back home. That would increase the population for a certain amount.

In this article, the U.S. Census states that more Californian's immigrant are the mainstream. It also states that there has been a change in the state's population. Latinos increased from 32.4% to 36.2%, Asians increased from 10.8% to 12.2%, White declined from 46.6% to 42.5% and Blacks declined from 6.3% to 6%. It talks about how immigrants are becoming more fluently now days.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Old Republicans, New Republicans

Early Republicans

The U.S. Republican Party was founded in 1854 by anti - slavery activists and individuals who believed that the government should grant western lands to settlers free of charge. It first came to power in 1860 with the election of Abraham Lincoln to the presidency.

The new party's vision was to modernize the United States. By developing a higher education, railroads, banking and industry, they would achieved this vision.
According to this source of information, the primary objectives of the new party were:
"emphasized state's right, "strict" interpretation of the Constitution, preference for agriculture and rural life, strength in South and West, foreign policy sympathized with France, stressed civil liberties and trust in the people"

During the Civil War (1861-1865), Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation that freed the slaves. The republicans from that time achieved on getting the Thirteenth, the Fourteenth and the Fifteenth amendments.

Present Republicans
In 1980, Ronald Reagan won the election for the Republican Party. Conservative Christians and southern whites formed a "New Right" that supported Ronald Reagan on a "law and order" platform.

The New Right favored strict limits on government intervention in the economy and it was willing to use state power to encourage its view of family values, restrict homosexual behavior and censor pornography. It also favored tough measures against crime, strong national defense, a constitutional amendment to permit prayer in public schools, opposition to abortion and defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment for women.

In my opinion, founders from this party would feel pleased and proud of the current state of this political party. It has changed through out the years, but the circumstances in the 1850s are not the same as the present day. Now, there are newer problems and conflicts that the party has to focus on.


