Friday, February 27, 2009


As you prepare for your internship immersion, please answer the following questions:

1. What are you most excited about in regards to your immersion experience? Why do you feel this way?
During my immersion, I'll be able to experience a "full-time job." I'll be working with staff members, other interns and volunteers. Also, at the same time, I'll be interacting with the public, such as members from the museum and visitors. I'm really looking forward to this experience because, not only I'll develop a resistant to be working a "full-time job", but I'll also be attending staff meetings, which make me feel more part of this museum.

2. What are you most concerned about (what causes the most stress) regarding immersion? Why do you feel this way?
I do have my worries regarding to immersion. Being on a boat for 2 weeks from 9 am to 4pm, doesn't get my attention that much. I hope I don't get dizzy on the boat, since there has been a bit of rain in the last couple of weeks, which affect the water where the boat rests. I even have my worries of catching the bus on time, so I can be on time for my internship. I do also hope I don't get stressed during immersion because it won't allow me to work on my project.

Please answer each in as much depth as you can--I am so very interested in learning about how you'll be doing out in the "real world"!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

In my opinion, the Progressive Era had positives and negatives things, they are connected. The positive things depended of the negative things, and vice versa.

Positive Things:

The great wave of immigration from Europe provided “cheap labor to support the rapid growth of major industrial centers and settled in densely-populated urban enclaves.”

Negative Things:

Extensive exploitation of child labor

Overall, it’s a neutral status. It is good to have people come to America help the growth of industries, but they should work on good conditions.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Outstanding Blogz

1. Economic Advice to Barack Obama
Jacob Harris' blog is a great example. It is direct and descriptive. He uses popular current events that most people are familiar with, which allows the reader to comprehend his writing. He mentions an issue, shows his advice and explains it. I like this quote this because he explains that by lowering the price of education, the economy will be better because more people is going to be more educated. For example:

"Lower the price of College and Universities, but make the requirements higher, so to support higher education on a lower budget. This will help the economy because it will make the workforce and the high ups more educated, which leads to better financial choices and hopefully some good innovation..."

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Part Two - Mentor Interview

Day: Thursday, February 12th, 2009
Time: From 2:00pm to 2:30pm
Technology: Microphone, recording on PC.

Proposing an Idea

Mr. President,

Thank you very much for receiving me and granting me thirty minutes.

As we both know, America is facing extreme economic hardships at this time. In an article from Washington Post, you mentioned a plan to "save billions by making 2 millions homes and 75 percent of federal buildings more energy-efficient, and to double our capacity to generate alternative sources of energy within three years."

I have some ideas regarding the issue for you to consider.

According to Internal Revenue Service, in 2006 a new law was created, which consists of providing tax credits for making your principal residence, which must be in the United States, more energy efficient and for buying certain energy efficient items. It also provides a "10 percent credit for buying qualified energy efficiency improvements", "a credit for costs relating to residential energy property expenses" and it also "makes a credit available to those who add qualified solar panels, solar water heating equipment, or a fuel cell power plant to their homes...".

In my opinion, this is a helpful law for the economy, but we can still take it further. We have already made an improvement on it by providing tax credits to citizens that have purchased hybrid motors vehicles. But what about independent businesses or even national franchises? There are businesses that would like to become more energy efficient, but they can't afford it. Giving them grants would allow them to become more energy efficient. I know that it is quite a cost to perform that, but in the long run it will save more money because there won't be much waste of resources.

For example, a compact fluorescent lamp is a tool that "makes dramatic efficiency improvements...", according to Nathan Glasgow (senior consultant - Colorado-based Rocky Mountain Institute). This lamp only "uses from 70 to 80 percent less electricity and lasts 10 to 13 times longer than an incandescent bulb..." It cost from 2 to 5 dollars.

Providing tools, such as this compact fluorescent, to businesses that seek to become more energy efficient, would make an improvement to our current economic situation.

Quotes and Resources:
- "Barack Obama - The Action Americans Need -" - nation, world, technology and Washington area news and headlines. Link
- "DEVELOPMENT: Answer to Energy Crisis? Waste Not, Want Not." IPS Inter Press Service. Link
-"Highlights of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 for Individuals." Internal Revenue Service. Link

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Design Principles

My humani-homie, Elmo, and I came up with three options for our Design Principles.

1. "The Script"
  • A strict have set of questions (script) to obtain specific answers or similar answers from multiple different interviews.
  • Example: Michael J. Fox Inside the Actor's Studio, James Lipton

2. "With a bit of Bio"
  • This method gives a biographical introduction, on your final product, about the interviewee to the reader. (Includes quotes from lyrics, facts, historical events, etc.)
  • Example: Rollin' and Tumblin, "Saunders King", pag. 25 by Jas Obrechet
3. "Connecting"
  • The interviewers ask questions making connection to current events. The topics are related to recent facts and events.
  • Example: Katie Couric interviews Palin,